Connected Pathways (Easton)
4242 Stelzer Rd Columbus, OH
Connected Pathways (Northland)
2753  Northland Plaza Dr Columbus, OH

Camp Connect Program
$95 Registration Fee

• Reading and Math Development –
o We engage students in assessing where they are and set goals for the improvement by the end of the summer.

• Physical Fitness –
o Sports and Fitness instructors will be onsite to provide instruction and development in through fun activities.

• Social and Emotional Development –
o We encourage growth of each student’s ability to respond to adverse situations using conscious discipline techniques.

• Explore and Discovery
o Field Trips to Ohio Historical Institutions
o Area Parks
o Fun activities such as bowling, skating and movies
o Learning activities such as Columbus Zoo, COSI and many others

4242 Stelzer Rd
Columbus, OH 43230
2753 Northland Plaza Drive
Columbus OH 43231

© Connected Pathways. Rights reserved.

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